For the use of the services and the receipt of the goods that are available through it is necessary for the users to enter personal data.
The company can maintain a file and process the personal data of users. In no case does the company disclose or publish the personal data of the users. It should be clarified at this point that the company does not have a publicly accessible list of email addresses of its users. Therefore, the personal data that appear anywhere on are intended solely to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the respective service and may not be used by a third party without complying with the provisions of Law 2472 / 1997, L.3471 / 2006, L4070/2012 and L.679/2016 governing the protection and processing of personal data as they apply each time after the relevant updates-amendments. The personal data of the users are kept safe and with respect for the privacy of everyone.
The personal data, or part of them, declared on the website are used exclusively by it to fulfill the purpose of the services provided. The company has the explicit consent of its users / customers to transfer their data to natural and / or legal persons when it becomes necessary for the implementation of services and the receipt of goods by users who will request them and to fulfill the purpose of electronic communication of two parties and always under the conditions of Law 3471/2006 and 4070/2012. Data of the file may also be disclosed to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities upon their legal request under the applicable legal provisions. The above does not in any case invalidate the user’s right to information and objection provided by the provisions of Law 2472/1997, Law 3471/2006, L4070/2012 and L.679/2016 on the confidentiality of telecommunications for personal data.
Rights to access, correct, and delete personal data
Users have the ability to access and correct-convert their personal data at any time, which they themselves have registered during their registration on the website through access to their account.
Furthermore, users who wish to be deleted from members of the website, can request at any time the deletion of their personal data from it by contacting the administrator of the website and providing the information that will be requested.